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newBookmarkLockedFalling every sleep a little death { rowan's last }
jj jenkins d7. ✨ zozo. 8 3,488 by jj jenkins d7. ✨ zozo.
Jun 21, 2015 0:44:25 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling heavydirtysoul; wyatt [day 1]
Deleted 0 1,256 by Deleted
Jun 19, 2015 22:57:43 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Three Count {{ Sue Oneshot(s)
Deleted 2 1,396 by Deleted
Jun 19, 2015 19:25:33 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling walk no further {leviathans}
matt colekay d9a [arx] 2 1,227 by Avalon
Jun 19, 2015 16:34:10 GMT -5

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In this section of the arena, the ruins of a city remain scattered with abandoned buildings, which have been left to crumble over time. Nothing is left standing, and tributes can only wonder exactly what caused the city’s inevitable collapse. The ground itself is littered with shattered glass and the occasional piece of broken furniture, but any evidence of the past is removed, leaving only an unanswered question. If tributes are lucky, they might find something useful among the rubble, but beware: though the area looks completely abandoned, something dangerous could easily be lurking amidst the ruins.
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