
No New Posts Stone Circle

At the center of the Ivied forest, you stumble onto barren earth. Looking around, you see that this part of the forest is barren, even the grass is struggling to take root. Before you, atop a small mound, sits a circle of large limestone (insert posh word for stones in stone circle). As you creep closer, you can feel the history ebb from the stone, and as you run your hand along the rough surface of the stone, you swear that it feels warm- a throbbing type of warm almost like a heart beat as if the stones are alive. As you turn away from the stone, you catch a glimpse of silver, ethereal light, dancing, shimmering round the stone. Are they Will-O-Whisps? Or are they the souls of the dead that inhabit the stones?

4 86 fates written in blood // demented fight, day 5
by solo
Nov 24, 2017 22:56:56 GMT -5

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Ivied Forest
The first thing you notice about this forest, is the putrid smell of rot. The next thing you notice, is that every inch of this place is encased in Ivy. No square inch of the forest is spared from the tendrils of Ivy that creep over the barks of the trees, tangle themselves between the branches, and spread across the forest floor like a carpet. The ivy is a disease here, and on closer inspection you see that some of the trees are beginning to rot beneath their prison of vines and leaves. If you try cut away the Ivy, it grows back almost instantly, slithering to heal where a second ago, there'd been tree bark. Don't stay here too long, or you might become part of the undergrowth.
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