Secret Santa Delivery for: Meghan!
Dec 22, 2017 23:55:39 GMT -5
Post by Baby Wessex d9b [earthling] on Dec 22, 2017 23:55:39 GMT -5
Merry Ratmas Meghan!
You're an amazing person, and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, or whichever holiday you celebrate! It's been fun creating these gifts for you.
First and foremost, I'd like to plot with you! Maybe come up witch characters to create together. Could be enemies, friends lovers. Anything like that. Could even be a thread if you wish! I'll find you on slack as soon as you figure out who this is
So, without further ado, here's some more gifts.[googlefont="Ubuntu:400"]Dear Mr Eugene Butters;
I see you in the medical centers wearing your white coat as you work on helping the sick. I see you working endlessly helping people. I stand outside watching hours upon hours. I've sat in the lobby waiting and watching. I see the work that's been put into helping those that walk through the front door. I see what you're doing, and just want to say thank you for all that you do.
You see, Mr Butters, my father was a patient, and you were there helping him. You and the other people in white coats gathered around doing everything they could for him. I remember someone telling my mother that he wouldn't make it, but I remember seeing some staying behind continuing to work.
My father was in an accident, and you were one of those who stayed behind to help him. It's because of you, Mr. Butters, that my father is with me today. He stands by my side because you never gave up. And I want to thank you for your hard work.
You see, I'm just an only child, and he's the only parent that I have - I can't go on living a life without a loving father to stand by my side. He helps me every day. He makes sure I'm taken care of. He helps take care of my mother. And you gave him the chance to continue doing that.
Many times my father asks me what I want to be when I grow up, and I never have the answer. Sometimes I tell him I want to a scientist or a chemist or an engineer, but after seeing how you all work in the medical centers, I want to become a doctor. I want to be someone to help others in their time of need. I want to offer peace to the ones who're sitting outside on the cold metal chairs in the lobby waiting for some news on a loved one.
I want to be a hero like you.
I read stories of heroes wearing capes, but the cape you wear is the white coat. I want to wear one of those. I want to do something amazing to make a difference in the world. I want to follow in your footsteps so that one day I can be the best doctor I can be.
Thank you for all that you do, and know that your work never goes unnoticed.
Have a wonderful day, Mr. Butters, and thank you for taking the time to read this.Sincerely,
Callie Davis[googlefont="Julee:400"]
Terry Birch
Eighteen | Male | District Twoif you like lyrics
you can put them here
but if you don't
just remove thisLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget enim nec lectus ullamcorper dictum. Morbi venenatis magna velit, nec rhoncus turpis blandit quis. Nam euismod nisi neque, et vehicula odio laoreet vel. Vivamus quis porta lacus. Duis consectetur dolor nulla, eu cursus nulla viverra eget. Sed risus dolor, dignissim eget tortor vitae, consectetur ornare lacus. Phasellus sit amet fermentum felis. Pellentesque iaculis facilisis posuere. Duis eu accumsan mauris. Pellentesque imperdiet metus fringilla, dapibus lectus eu, venenatis orci. In adipiscing, enim et adipiscing placerat, erat enim tempor arcu, sit amet sagittis quam orci vitae libero. Quisque in lorem cursus nulla scelerisque volutpat non ac nisi. Aliquam gravida elit at leo ultricies, a interdum nunc tempus. Curabitur hendrerit dignissim.[googlefont="Julee:400"]Terry BirchLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus elit suscipit efficitur convallis. Etiam finibus elit lacus, id maximus ante tristique nec. Vestibulum ultrices massa sit amet eros aliquet, nec finibus sem tincidunt. Cras eget nunc ex. Maecenas tincidunt mi non ipsum luctus, a finibus felis congue. In sit amet mauris et velit elementum facilisis id faucibus eros. Integer imperdiet a ligula quis posuere. Duis eu lectus scelerisque, suscipit lacus sit amet, aliquet lacus. Suspendisse vehicula ante mi, facilisis finibus ligula tempus id. Vivamus arcu neque, pellentesque non fermentum vel, eleifend sed est. Sed in porta risus. Vivamus dignissim feugiat vestibulum. Integer maximus leo ut dolor aliquet scelerisque. Morbi eu massa ac tellus varius scelerisque eu non tortor.
Morbi sed orci purus. Pellentesque ligula tortor, tincidunt et est in, laoreet pellentesque elit. Donec a tempus orci, at iaculis ex. Etiam dignissim elit eu accumsan vulputate. Cras fermentum metus a ex feugiat euismod. Phasellus semper ornare purus in cursus. Suspendisse a mi eget nibh sollicitudin sodales a et augue. Pellentesque nisl erat, egestas aliquam eros et, luctus congue nunc. Pellentesque rutrum tincidunt mauris. Pellentesque egestas libero velit, eget sagittis turpis finibus id. Etiam vitae elit rutrum, auctor nisl et, tempor sem.
In iaculis magna ipsum, a mattis est semper non. Nullam dictum erat non risus congue, quis vestibulum ante pellentesque. Mauris sed risus luctus, ultricies lectus a, fringilla ligula. In consequat dolor egestas consectetur ullamcorper. Aliquam condimentum lectus nec erat malesuada posuere. Pellentesque sed eleifend magna, vel molestie augue. Aenean dignissim, nisl vitae tincidunt consectetur, massa arcu porta nisi, aliquam eleifend odio nibh et ex. In a ligula ut dolor luctus convallis at feugiat mi. Maecenas eu nunc tellus.
Cras aliquam tempus erat, sit amet lobortis lacus mollis in. Sed efficitur vehicula sapien. Curabitur varius ultrices semper. In bibendum vitae arcu sit amet varius. Integer orci justo, sollicitudin finibus tempus sed, vestibulum in tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas ultrices sollicitudin ex, convallis scelerisque ante accumsan quis. Pellentesque leo urna, molestie luctus tempus in, interdum sit amet ex.
Quisque a tellus maximus, tempor erat et, ultricies metus. Vestibulum quis enim nec lorem finibus mollis nec vitae quam. Aenean id arcu orci. Aenean finibus diam sit amet tellus ultricies ultricies. Ut non commodo ante, eu consectetur dui. Maecenas consectetur libero id sem interdum blandit. Etiam eget odio nulla. Sed nec urna et ipsum euismod viverra. Nunc imperdiet sapien dolor, a rutrum lorem porttitor ultrices. Praesent sed ex quis metus vulputate ornare. Etiam molestie blandit quam, nec maximus nisi tempus id. Nam sollicitudin purus in ipsum cursus, ac fringilla neque auctor. Sed in maximus justo, in venenatis purus. Pellentesque pharetra leo at sapien ultrices varius.
Here's a table header for Terry if you'd like to use this to create your own table with.
All in all it's been fun making these for you, and I hope you enjoy them. Merry Ratmas Meghan, and I hope your holidays are good too.